Frequently Asked Questions
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Simply join us via the "Sign Up" link on the front page, and then register at (New Account). Your username will be your chat handle. You can then create a team, a team password, and add team members by email address.
Add as many team members as you like, but only EIGHT can access a game at once. There is also an eight person limit per team for a given game. Keep your general/rotating group as large as you want - if every person who enjoys playing pitches in, it'll be super cheap for everyone!
No - the team creator (i.e. yourself) is the only one who needs to fully register on the website. Other members do NOT need to register to play. They can access the game by: a) clicking Join Game at (link posted 30 min+ before game starts), and b) entering their email address (that was registered on the roster by the creator), team name, & Game Code (posted w/the link).
If a player enters an email that was not added by the creator, he/she will need the team password as well to join the team for the game.
By ALL means, continue that practice if it's best for you - no, not everyone needs to directly join the game to play. The step of joining the game only applies to players who want to access the stream/answer sheet on their device. You are on the honor system with playing EIGHT OR FEWER PLAYERS for a given game - don't ruin the integrity of the game or yourself (as well as cheat other teams)!
Any player having issues joining a game can post in the open chat at the bottom left corner of the screen (it will appear once an attempt to join is made) to communicate with us (they'll be randomly assigned a handle). On a related note, once logged in, if you do not see the Whaddayaknow Chatroom in the bottom left corner, click Leave Game and rejoin, and it should be there (you won't lose anything at all). You can also email any time.
You can create up to three different teams with a registered account (i.e. three team names, so you can pick which to play with for each game).
Yes, you can be a member of other teams (as a non creator).
Of course! The top ten teams are credited with WhaddayaDOUGH after every game! Whaddayadough is redeemable at our online store ( which is full of AWESOME products (with more to come)! Your team also receives an automatic 50 in Whaddayadough credit every month just for being a member! Accumulate as much Whaddayadough as you can, and cash it in for some great prizes!
Google Chrome is ideal. Firefox users on mobile may experience issues. Internet Explorer is not recommended
No, both Tuesday and Thursday are general knowledge trivia. You can find our live themed trivia games here.

Bringing Live Trivia for over 13 years
Want to play online? Join us for virtual trivia every Tuesday and Thursday!